by Bob M.
(Monticello, N.Y.)
I can't even tell you how miserable I was. Having a bent penis is no joke! After a while my penis became so crooked I was afraid to have sex with anyone. I'm only 40 years old and I was so humiliated and depressed. I thought my sex life was over! And I was getting very lonely.
I had been to a doctor and tried some prescription gel that took away the pain of erection, but my penis didn't get any straighter. It seemed to me it was only getting more bent.
Then it happened. I met a girl at work and really liked her. I didn't know what to do. We hung out and laughed a lot and finally she asked ME out. It was so great at first. But, I was afraid to go to bed with her. At the same time I wanted to so desperately. But, I thought if she saw my bent penis she would run away. After a couple of months she was starting to get very irritable with me and one day she just got mad and asked me if I was gay. It was horrible! I was devastated! I was afraid to tell her what was wrong, but I was losing her fast. So I told her. She was more than kind. We tried to have sex, but it was really uncomfortable for both of us. My penis was just too bent. We had to stop. I went home that evening and cried.
...She went to the doctor with me and he suggested either waiting (for 1 to 5 years!) to see if my bent penis resolved itself, or, if I wanted to get faster results, to have surgery. I decided to do surgery. Even with all the risks it had. I really wanted to make my relationship work.
Jill (my girlfriend) didn't like the whole idea. She said we could lose our sex life (however limited it was) forever. I said we had no real options. She didn't believe that. So she got on the web and started searching. She found your site and read every page on it. Then she showed it to me. She was very excited! I had my doubts. But she talked me into trying the traction that you explained.
SHE immediately ordered not just one, but both of the devices you recommended! They were both very comfortable and painless to use. I was afraid they might embarrass me at work, but they didn't seem to show through my pants and no one ever noticed them or knew what I was doing. So I used them both every day except Sunday. Sunday belonged to just Jill and me.
It took a few weeks, maybe a month when Jill told me I looked straighter. It was a magic moment! I'll never forget it! Or the look on her face. So, I kept on with the device. After four months we could have sex and both enjoy it. Without pain! And we've been doing like teenagers ever since! After 8 months I stopped using the device altogether. When you don't have a bent penis, you just don't need to use the device any more!
Here's the best news, William. Two months ago we got engaged to be married!
Thank You William!!!!!
Bob M. - Monticello, NY