The Best Bent Penis Cure

That Works:
Safely and Effectively

That is:
medically endorsed and doctor recommended

best bent penis cure

What is the best bent penis cure?

Well first: a bent penis, a bent erection, a curved penis, and yes, Peyronies "disease" are not "diseases". They are conditions. So "cure" is not really the correct word here.

"You mean I don't have a 'disease'?"

No you don't! You have a condition. A condition caused by a scar and/or plaque formation. That's all. You're not sick.

Here is what PubMed Central at the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health has to say about "conditions" being called "chronic diseases":

"One important element of effective communication is having a shared language or at least a shared understanding of the meaning of the central words used in a conversation. One term that is often used in discussions between patients and medical providers, in the academic literature, and in policy discussions, is “chronic disease.” There is not only tremendous variation in the diseases that are included under the umbrella term “chronic disease” but also variation in the time a disease must be present for something to be referred to as chronic. Furthermore, there is a move to include chronic conditions that are not indicators of disease, but long-standing functional disabilities, including developmental disorders and visual impairment."


The Real Problem

So let's talk about what you are really looking for. You don't need a "cure", you need a correction. An adjustment. That's all. It's really pretty simple. So, in this case, we will define the word "cure" as "correction". "Bent penis cure" will mean: "bent penis correction."

To get a bent penis cure, you simply need to stretch out the scar tissue (and/or fibrous plaque) so that your erection can be normal again. This is very easy to do if you do it correctly.

It is only this scar or plaque that is causing your shaft to bend. Or curve.

Once you stretch out that scar/plaque, your erection will be normal again. Then you can happily go about having a wonder normal sex life again!

Most Methods
Don't Really Work

That's correct. Most methods do not do much of anything to correct your curvature.

And, outside of surgery or traction, nothing has proven more than about 35% effective.

Even the newest FDA approved injections, that will cost you about $30,000, yes thirty thousand dollars per set, are hailed to be up to 35% effective but, only for certain cases.

And, that doesn't mean 35% get straight. It means for those whom it was most effective for, the curvature was reduced by up to 35%. Still bent!!

Most Methods Only Give

Marginally Effective Results
No Real results at all

There are a number of different methods that are currently being used to remedy this condition. You can find all of these methods listed on the navigation bar on the left side of this page.

It is a good idea to read them. Once you do, you will understand why these methods are ineffective. And you will be able to avoid wasting thousands of dollars on things that don't really work.

The problem with most of these methods is that they are only marginally effective at best.

That means your bending erections will be a little less bent when you finish the treatment. But, they will not be straight again. So what was the point of using them?

A few of these "cures" will relieve the pain of a severely bending erection, but they will not straighten it significantly or satisfactorily. Again, not a bent penis cure.

Some methods, like penile surgery, can be outright dangerous and may leave you impotent! This type of surgery is also unnecessary as a bent penis cure 99.999% of the time.

Don't Worry!

There Is A "Cure"

A Very Good One!

"Don't Worry!" is something I have to tell so many men. Especially those who thought they were getting a bent penis cure and the treatments they used didn't work.

When a treatment doesn't work, it can leave a man feeling very depressed and hopeless.

Failed treatment can make a man feel like his precious dick will be bent forever and that he'll never have a decent sex life again. That's pretty traumatic! And it's not true 99.999% of the time.

In the case of bending caused by scar tissue (there are very few that are not caused by scar tissue), straightening the shaft is normally very simple when correct traction is used.

The Method
Clinically Proven
Safest and Most Effective

Correct traction has been clinically proven to be the best "bent penis cure".

It was developed by Dr. Jorn Ege Siana, M.D. in 1994.

Dr. Siana is a penile surgery specialist and a director and founder of the Scandinavian Clinic of Plastic Surgery in Denmark and Germany.

Prior to Dr. Siana's traction device, the only medical procedure for correction of this condition was surgery. And, that penis surgery came with a lot of possible horrible side effects including impotence.

Correct traction is so safe and effective that it is now medically endorsed and recommended in 29 countries world wide.

Bent Penis Cure
The Clinical Results

"All the clinical studies
have shown correct traction to be
the best, safest, and most effective bent penis cure."

A top quality traction device is also very inexpensive (less than $200). Especially compared to surgery ($6,000 - $12,000 the current average being $11,419).

Straightening with traction takes some time. Usually 6 - 12 months. But, when used correctly, it is painless, safe, and extremely effective.

Which Traction Device
Is Best?

the best bent penis cure, medically endorsed and doctor recommended

It is extremely important that a high quality Class 1 Medical Device is used.

Due to the fact that traction can also be used to make a shaft larger, there are a lot of cheaper imitation devices on the market.

These cheaper imitations look just like the good ones. But they are not made as well or with the same high quality materials. These inferior units may cause some very serious penile injuries.

I have researched all the units that are currently available and only two have met all my requirements for:

  • Reliability
  • Safety
  • Effectiveness

These two manufacturers are Quick Extender Pro and Pro Extender.

Both of these units are:

  • * Made of the best Medical Grade Materials
  • * Classified as Class 1 Medical Devices
  • * Medically endorsed and Physician recommended
  • * Bearing the "CE" seal. This is a stamp of safety given to medical devices by European Health Authorities


From all the clinical studies, correct traction has proven to be the best, safest, and most effective bent penis cure.

Since the development of the penile traction device, there is just no reason to risk all the horrible possible side effects of penis surgery.

However, to avoid penile injury, it is very important to use a high quality Medically approved traction device and not one of the cheap imitation models.

Be Well.....

~ William

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