Patience and Persistence
The Way to Success!

Patience and persistence are the road to success when straightening your bent penis with penis traction.

correct traction
A Slow But Sure Process

penis traction requires patience and persistence

Correct traction is a slow but sure process. Every day as you use your traction device, you are making progress.

Because we do not usually see visual changes in the first few days, some men will give up. That is truly unfortunate. Just a little patience could have changed their lives.

It is estimated that 99.99% of all bent penis conditions can be remedied with correct traction.

But, the progress is happening on such a microscopic level each day, that you can not see the result right away.

That's why it is in the beginning weeks that you need patience and faith, the most. If you are going to have success, you must be persistent.

"Once you start seeing your results,
no one will be able to stop you from continuing."

you will be making progress
every single day

You are adding new cells each day and every day that you use your traction device.

A single cell measures only about one micrometer. That's 1/1000 of a millimeter! So even if you add hundreds of cells a day you still will not be able to see your progress visually from one day to the next.

If you added only a few cells each day, the process would be almost useless. But, since most men complete the task of straightening their in 6 - 12 months, you can easily see how fast your body is producing new cells.

However, even though you won't see an immediate difference, you will be able to feel the progress you are making each day. Just like with exercise. You feel your muscles have worked. They feel refreshed.

And after a day of penile traction you will have a similar feeling in your shaft. That it has "worked". This is the feeling of growth. The feeling of your shaft getting straighter.

patience and persistence
gets amazing results

Just like working out with a set of barbells, your muscles, at first, feel something has happened. But, you see nothing.

Just like your muscles reshaping from exercising with barbells, your bending erection is reshaping.

Consistency. Persistence. Regular methodical practice and patience is what will bring you the results you are striving for.

And, with correct traction, this is so easy to do.

once you start to seeing results
nothing will be able to stop you

So don't get too anxious. Be patient with your program. When you put your traction device on, forget it as much as possible. Take it off at the end of the day and just relax.

Don't try to measure your progress on a daily basis. If you do, you'll get disappointed in the beginning.

But rather, if you have a digital camera, take a picture of your erection once each month. You'll be able to see, very easily, how well you are doing!

Once you've been at it for a few months, you'll really start to see some changes. Then there will probably be nothing that will be able to stop you from completing your task! You'll be so excited. This is where your patience will start to pay off!

The Exhilaration Of Success!

But, in the beginning (just like building muscles) you'll be working on faith. Simply because you know that the method has worked for thousands and thousands of men before you.

I mean, why else would a man spend all that time in the gym in the first month if he didn't think he would feel better and look better? And after a month, he probably will notice more in how he feels than in how he looks.

But, when those new muscles start to take shape, a man gets a whole new sense of well being and pride!

It's the same patience and persistence you need with penile traction for straightening your bent penis. Once those results start to happen, it will be pretty darn impossible to keep you from continuing!

Be Well.....

~ William

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